
Customer Testimonials

“Sur-Seal has amazing customer service, friendly, very easy to work with. Prompt service from start to finish.”
– Camfil Canada Winnipeg

“Service calls are quick on response time and done in a timely and professional manner!”
– New West Metals Inc.

“The customer service team at Sur-Seal provided great customer service on every step of my order. They understood the printing guidelines, delivery constraints, and deadlines. They were in regular contact about my order status, so I never wasted a moment wondering. With limited storage space, it was a relief not to have to meet a minimum order either.”
– Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association

SurSeal is a one stop shop for all your packaging supplies and more. If they don’t have a product you want they will look and try hard to find it for you. They have a friendly customer service and sales team. We used to buy from multiple suppliers and now have switch to just buying from a great supplier in Surseal!
– Cormer Defense

Surseal has been a consistent supplier of packaging needs and has worked with us diligently to fulfill ours and our customers needs.– Melet Plastics

The Canadian Animal Blood Bank ships blood products to veterinarians across Canada every single day and always relies on shipping materials that can do the job safely (no staples) and efficiently (perfect sizes that meet our needs). We are always impressed and pleased with the boxes and shipping supplies we order from SurSeal Packaging as the products are durable, easily storable in our facilities, and easy to re-order when we need them. Staff are wonderful to work with, always quick to respond to questions, and will go the extra mile to make sure our orders are delivered correctly and on time! – Canadian Animal Blood Bank

Employee Testimonials